As we reflect on all the changes our church has gone through over the last few years, we find it important to stop and take stock of what our core values as a church really are. In our twentieth year as City Church, we are more aware than ever of the deep needs of our city, the work that is ahead of us, and the DNA that keeps us going as we follow Christ to renew the city. We are also aware of our weaknesses and the areas where we as a body need to grow. Because of that, we are pressing “pause” on the lectionary and taking two months this fall to go back to the basics of City Church and talk about who we are.
During the months of October and November, Fred Harrell will be preaching a sermon series called Rooted For a Growing Faith. Each week, we will look at one of the values that make City Church who we are, and take some time to see how, in those values, God is at work in us and shaping us to be the best version of ourselves. To provide time for additional reflection, most Community Groups will follow the sermon series with further teaching and discussion.
If you are not already part of a community group, this fall is a great time to join one. Community Groups meet all over San Francisco (and a few on the peninsula), and are the best way to get connected at City Church if you’re looking for a next step. They meet once a week and are great places to get to know other people, study a book or the sermon series, pray and ask questions, and have fun. You can sign up at church the next two Sundays, or you can click here for more information and to sign up.
If you cannot commit to being part of a community group this fall, we are launching an online group to go along with the Rooted sermon series. Led by Fred Harrell and Peter Choi, this group will watch teaching videos and share questions and reflections throughout the eight weeks of the sermon series. This group is open to anyone, but especially to those who are not already part of a Community Group. You can find more information and register here.