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Center For Faith & Justice

Programs include:
The Faith & Justice Network
The Faith & Justice Fellowship

The Faith & Justice Network

The Faith and Justice Network is now available for individuals and groups via a monthly or annual membership! Join our community and get access each month to several virtual webinars, video resources, curated readings, spiritual practices, online forums, and more. 

Joining the Faith and Justice Network means immersing yourself in a community of people on a spiritual journey. You may choose to engage in one or two of the activities each month or do as much as you can. The critical part is finding a rhythm that works for you, amidst the various streams of action and contemplation. 

Every month, we work through a fresh set of learning materials: 

  • Webinar with a teacher, often the author of the book we’re reading 
  • Short teaching videos 
  • Curated readings 
  • Embodied practices 
  • Online discussion forums 
  • Fireside Chat 
  • and more

Faith and Justice Groups at City Church SF

The Faith and Justice Network is a ministry initiative of City Church San Francisco. CCSF members and attendees can join the F+J Network at a reduced rate. Sign up today and experience the F+J curriculum with others at CCSF.


The Faith & Justice Fellowship

A nine-month journey, from September to May, of theological formation for exploring the spiritual and public dimensions of Christian faith. Experience the Faith and Justice curriculum with a cohort of peers! In addition to network activities, cohorts typically meet 2x a month. 

Cohorts (Fully Online and Hybrid)
Some cohorts meet online, and others follow a hybrid format with regular in-person meetings. All cohorts meet twice a month to facilitate in-depth learning and community building. Some cohorts are open to all. Others convene around particular identities (e.g., cohorts for women of color, Asian Americans, etc.).

Cohort Placement
You can expect to hear about your acceptance into the fellowship within two weeks of your application and final cohort placement in early August.


History of the Center of Faith & Justice

Throughout the 2000s, leaders at City Church San Francisco began dreaming about ways to deepen spiritual and theological formation that brought the church and academy into vital partnership together. CCSF started Newbigin House of Studies out of this vision as a way to help members of their church community walk through a year of contemplative study. In 2011, a partnership with Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan began an exciting new venture into the world of formal theological education. This innovative relationship between the church and academy catalyzed programs for laity (the Newbigin Fellowship), students (the Newbigin Year), and pastors (the Ministry Fellowship). In 2020, during a time of pandemic and tumult (and many pivots!), all of these various programs became one under the Faith and Justice Fellowship. And in 2022, the Center for Faith and Justice was born. Today, we are building on over a decade of work in theological education to help people of Christian faith navigate a world of bewildering spiritual disorientation and fragmentation. 

We’re doing this work by seeking faith and learning justice, weaving two efforts together that are often seen as distinct or, worse, separate. If Cornel West is right that “justice is what love looks like in public,” and Jesus told us the greatest commandment is love, the work of justice may be the greatest call of faith in the world. 



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