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Support Groups: Winter 2014

New Years Resolutions are well and good, and not a bad place to turn when taking stock of what lies ahead in 2014. But one thing that is true about resolutions is that they rarely get accomplished by dint of sheer willpower alone. Part of the process of becoming a new creation happens in reflection, in discipline, and in community. Our lives, which can get so easily and quickly weighed down by the false stories we tell ourselves, can be enriched and renewed by the work of God through the stories and work of other people we share ourselves with.

This is why we are offering several support groups this season--free of charge, led by trained lay counselors, confidential and organized around topics most people deal with at some point or another. We believe that God works through other people and through our minds as he takes us through the journey of redemption, and these support groups can be an integral part of this process.

This winter, we are offering support groups around grief, anxiety, divorce, and an Enneagram 3/6/9 group. They are open to anyone who wants to attend, wherever you are on your faith journey or relationship to City Church, but there is a cap of 10 participants per group. The groups will begin meeting the first week of February and will run for 12 weeks and, once they begin, will not be accepting new members--so make sure to sign up early if you are interested.


Grief Group

Anxiety Group

Divorce Group

Enneagram 3/6/9 Group


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